Thursday, March 3, 2011

It has to begin somewhere

What it ain't y'all? Prometheus here carving out my own little piece of the interweb.  Sharing all my funkspectations with the world and really just having fun along the way. So what is a funkcast? It's nothing more than my version of a podcast with a funky vibe. But it won't just be all funk all the time. It will feature funk, rap, rock, jazz, blues, folk and anything having to do with purple music.  There's no telling what you might hear and it all really depends on my mood (but I wouldn't count on hearing country).  I can tell you this, since I am a huge fan of Prince, you can probably count on a healthy does of his MPLS sound coming your way.  So like P-Funk said, "Sit back and relax while we do it to you in you earhole!"

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